Nick Mariette is spatial audio researcher and phonographer, sound art technologist and artist, presently based in Paris, also finalising his PhD on locative spatial audio perception with the AudioNomad group at UNSW. Recent creative work includes a live surround sound performances (e.g. at the Now Now series 2007, Electrofringe 2006), spatial audio recording for iCinema immersive cinema filming, novel interface development for Pan, a Belvoir B-Sharp theatre production, and experimental radio pieces for FBi radio and ABC Radio National’s The Night Air. Previous work includes performances, workshops and panels at Electrofringe festivals since 2002, sound technology for AudioNomad artworks in Sydney 2006 and ISEA 2004, and a generative multichannel sound piece, Yellow Mondays, exhibited in Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. From 1999-2003, Nick developed spatial audio software and solutions at Lake Technology (now Dolby Australia), in Sydney and California. In 1998, he graduated with an honours degree in Electrical Engineering from University of New South Wales.
CV available on request. Please email: nmariette at gmail dot com